The Ultimate
Security Awareness Training Platform
CYBR's security awareness training platform offers interactive, bite-sized lessons designed to keep your employees engaged! Improve security culture, habits, and behaviour throughout your entire organization and mitigate your human cyber risk. CYBR empowers your organization, elevates security culture, and transforms human error into human cyber defence!

Teach AI
CYBR's SaaS platform teaches employees how to avoid the most sophisticated social engineering attacks. Teach AI delivers bite sized, gamified and engaging content.
Gamified, bite-sized lessons
Continuous security awareness training! (Multi-tiered and based on risk-access)
Detailed overview of individual employee progress
Teach AI Benefits

Breach AI
Change employee habits and behaviours with CYBR's SaaS platform. Breach AI generates next-gen social engineering campaigns while utilising key attack vectors (email, phone, SoMe)
Personalized phishing simulations
Detailed overview of individual employee vulnerabilities and your organization's risk score
Discover which employees are your best human threat detectors
Breach AI Benefits
CYBR’s Content Management System (CMS) gives admins freedom to create, edit, publish and store unique digital content.
Access CYBR's full content library
Easily create, publish and store your unique company authored content within the CYBR platform CMS
Unlimited potential to combine CYBR's pre-made content with yours
CYBR CMS Benefits
Security Awareness Training
For Measurable Behaviour Change
You really can have it all. Mitigating human error related risks is a big task, but doesn't have to feel stressful. Our platform at CYBR is designed to make monitoring progress pain-free for admins, while our bite-sized lessons keep your employees engaged, actively learning and constantly improving.

Reporting + Management
Extensive reporting and management capabilities, allowing a birds eye view and focus on the individual.

Behaviour change that lasts
Positively reinforce wins, and instantly correct failures through content that engages your employees in both scenarios.

Gamified and engaging
Continuous bite sized training, sophisticated attack simulations and interactive assessments available on the go.

Risk tiered training
Ultra personalized phishing
Robust CMS
Multi-tiered security awareness training, based on the individual employee's risk access level.
State of the art phishing simulations generated by our Breach AI engine.
Freedom to create custom, company authored content, and enjoy full access to CYBR's powerful, pre-built library.
Interested? Let's have a chat!
Security Awareness Training
That You Can Count On
Trusted globally by organizations of all sizes to improve security culture and mitigate human cyber risk.
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